POZOR! Před konáním jednotlivých akcí doporučujeme ověřit, zda akce nebyla zrušena či odložena (vzhledem k mimořádné hygienicko-epidemiologické situaci).
Confederation Newsletter 1/2020
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Welcome to the first quartely newsletter of the Confederation of European ORL-HNS. In this newsletter, which will be released four times each year, we would like to keep you up-to-date with recent developments within the Confederation and how you, too, can get involved. Please contact us for any feedback you may have.
This new service does not impact our CEORL-HNS Congress newsletter, which will be sent to your inbox once a new event draws near.
We wish you good health in this very turbulent COVID-19 period.
Kind regards,
The CEORL-HNS Presidential Council and Team